The Colton Society Inc.
Charity Without Boundaries...
Our mission is to broaden humankind’s perspective about our responsibilities as a whole. By delivering much needed advocacy and assistance for children with chromosome and genetic disorders, no matter what the situation may be. From end to end, come full circle and inspire others through hard work and transparency.
Our Vision is to change a life, which will ultimately change another life, which in-turn will inspire others to do their part and help where it is needed most.
Everyone's situation is different,
We can help, and we will find hope together.
Dedicated to Colton Anthony Denton
March 27, 2005
Trisomy 13
Who has taught so many of us, what it means to never give up, and has given all of us the gift of hope. For All of the families that struggle daily, we hope you find encouragement and the strength you need.
Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
and the road your trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and your debts are high,
and you want to smile but you have to sigh,
when care is pressing you down a bit,
rest if you must but just don't quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns as
everyone of us sometimes learns.
So many failures turns about,
when you might just win, if you stick it out.
Don't give up thou the pace seems slow.
You will succeed with another blow.
Success is failure that turns about,
its the silver tint on the clouds of doubt.
You can never tell how close you are,
it may be near thou it seems so far.
Stick to the fight with your hardest hit.
Its when things go wrong that you just can't quit.
Author Unknown